I apologize. I?ve taken a little break lately from my blog. I just can?t believe it?s that time again where I lose all sense of reality and sensibility and plan another child?s Bar Mitzvah. I?m actually not acting that crazy. I mean, it?s not like Scott and I are having sex, and I scream, ?Yes perfect spot, right there.? and he?s all proud of himself, and I had just figured out the perfect spot at a table to put a certain couple we invited to the Bar Mitzvah.
No, It?s more that I can?t believe another big moment in our lives is coming.
I was thinking about this when I woke up at 4am with the recurring nightmare that the dress I am wearing is see through and I didn?t wear any underwear. Then I cheered myself up at the thought that maybe I could save on boys? party favors by doing this.
Then I thought about life?s other big moments. The day you get married, the births of your children, your doctor saying, ?Congratulations, you are a full C.? And I thought, do we focus so much on big events, that we don?t realize the little moments that are often times more special?
When I ask my son how is day was, and he replies, ?Good, how was yours??
When I cook my kids breaded chicken and they say, ?Not bad.?
When the facialist tells me my pores look smaller.
When my daughter comes to my closet to borrow something.
When my husband tells me Yolanda is his favorite housewife.
When I drink a lot and don?t wake up with a hangover.
When my son lets me sit in his room and talk with him and his friends.
When I get a hug for no reason.
When my gynocologist asks me if she can put a finger up there, and gives me a clean bill of health.
When I find three slices of turkey left for sandwiches and don?t have to go to the grocery store.
When we can all sit at dinner together.
When I can get a side smirk from my kids.
When we all go crazy to our favorite song in the car.
When my daughter scolds me for cursing so much.
When I can stretch a blowout for seven days. Yes, I said seven. Don?t hate.
So when we are at my son?s Bar Mitzvah, and he goes up on stage to take the mic, and gives a speech about how I am the most wonderful loving, and young-looking mother, and then asks the DJ to play Bette Midler?s ?Did you ever know that you are my hero?, and takes my hand to dance, I will appreciate that small moment like all the rest.