One of the best pieces of parenting advice I ever received was to make sure you spend one on one time with each of your kids. The special time makes your child feel special and it gives the parent the opportunity to concentrate and enjoy one child at a time.
So, I?m off to LA with my daughter Julia. I will try not post annoying touristy pics, but I can?t make any promises. Scott told me we can stay there if we find Julia?s real father David Beckham. I?ve been making Julia practice her English accent, and when we find him she will say, ?Hello Daddy, blimey, where have you been all my life. Let?s go have some tea and scones together and I will show you how I inherited your soccer ability. I love you Daddy.?
It could happen!
I?m kind of kidding.
Make sure to tune in to dontwearsweats. We are adding a travel section. I will help you plan for family trips. Tell you about the great things to visit, places to eat, and good tricks to ensure you all still like each other at the close of the trip. Our travel section will be for families where the kids are constantly saying, ?Mooom, why do we have to see that??
Ok. We?re off to Los Angeles, the perfect place for me to teach Julia about how beauty is just skin deep and people only judge you on the type of person you are on the inside.