Celebrity, Family, Mommy Lessons,

Taylor Swift and I Will Never Break Up

Taylor Swift concert

I cried at Taylor Swift last night.  Not because her unbelievable talent made me feel completely talentless.  Not because watching her made me realize that I too would like to play the banjo but can?t.  Not even because her bangs are so perfect and when I tried bangs shortly after Julia was born, it was not pretty, and Scott looked at me like he did at those home video childbirths they used to show on TLC?s A Baby Story.

I cried from happiness.  I was with Julia and Scott at Taylor Swift and watching Julia look with amazement at Taylor Swift made me cry.  I wasn?t obvious about it, but to myself, I took it all in.  I think any mother, except maybe Courtney Love, has those moments with their children that become everlasting memories.  For some, it is watching their child score a goal or winning basket at their game.  For others, it could be experiencing something with their children they remember doing yourself as a child. The moments could be as simple as playing a great game of Monopoly or as big as watching your child overcome something they never thought they would.

Time is moving so quickly.  I know this because my Botox appointments have been creeping up on me.  I am not going to get crazy and try to make everything a moment.  But I will cherish my good cries.  All moms deserve a good cry, and not just a week before their periods.

Most importantly, I will always make sure to have a cute outfit on for them.  There have to be pictures to memorialize the moments!!

So Taylor, thanks for my special moment.  And thanks for the style inspiration!

taylor swift fashion inspiration

Tags: kid memories, mom blogs, taylor swift concet,