
An Open Letter To Andy Cohen

Dear Andy, I have always liked you.  Back when I thought you were just the witty mediator at the Housewives reunions shows, I knew you had a special spark.  You were funny and entertaining. When I found out you were … Continue reading

Taylor Swift and I Will Never Break Up

I cried at Taylor Swift last night.  Not because her unbelievable talent made me feel completely talentless.  Not because watching her made me realize that I too would like to play the banjo but can?t.  Not even because her bangs … Continue reading

A Mom Watches Real Housewives and Admits It

I am going to talk about a serious form of discrimination I have been experiencing.  I am a good person and don?t think I should be victim to this kind of treatment. It?s called real housewivist. This is when I … Continue reading

Oscar Fashion Faux Pas

I would love to have a stylist.  They would bring me the most beautiful clothes.  They would hire the best hair and makeup people, and the jewels would be royal worthy.  There would be no reason to not achieve perfection, … Continue reading

Being 40 Cliches

I am a movie person and am very excited for This is 40 to come out.  It is a follow up to Judd Apatow’s Knocked Up and focuses on the Leslie Mann/Paul Rudd relationship and her character turning forty.  Every … Continue reading